Sunland Park Multi-Generational Center
4700 McNutt Rd.
Sunland Park, NM 88008
Business Hours:
Lobby: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday – Friday
*Closed on Weekends and National Holidays
Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (Posted 08-20-2024 @ 12 p.m.)
Joint Powers Agreement 2024
Joint Powers Agreement 2009
The Camino Real Regional Utility Authority (CRRUA) Department is responsible for the management and maintenance of the City of Sunland Park and Santa Teresa water and waste water system. In February 2009, CRRUA was formed with approval by the State of New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration, State Board of Finance, State and Federal funding agents.
El Departamento de la Autoridad Regional de Servicios Públicos de Camino Real (CRRUA) es responsable de la gestión y el mantenimiento del sistema de agua y aguas residuales de la ciudad de Sunland Park y Santa Teresa. En febrero de 2009, CRRUA se formó con la aprobación del Departamento de Finanzas y Administración del Estado de Nuevo México, la Junta Estatal de Finanzas y los agentes de financiamiento estatales y federales.
Mission: Our mission is to provide quality customer service, and to provide reliable and sustainable water supply and waste collection treatment.
Vision: To provide high quality service to our customers and support the border region community.
Benefit Details
- CRRUA Employee Insurance Rates 07/2023 - 06/2024
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan Highlights - PPO Plan 2023-2024
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan Highlights - HSA Plan 2023-2024
- Delta Dental Plan Highlights - 2023-2024
- VSP Vision Care Plan Highlights - 2023-2024
- Approved Holiday Schedule 2024
- CRRUA Biweekly Insurace Rates 7/2024 - 6/2025
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan Highlights - PPO Plan 2024-2025
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan Highlights - HSA Plan 2024-2025
- Delta Dental Plan Highlights - 2024-2025
- VSP Vision Care Plan Highlights - 2024-2025